Reaching out to Educate the public

Epilepsy Sudbury raised over $14, 000 in 2017 volunteering at Delta (Boardwalk) Bingo & Gaming Val Caron.  “Epilepsy is a condition that is not always fully understood” says Rose Guthrie, Bingo Administrator. “Many develop the disorder as a child & outgrow it, while others have it for a lifetime.”  Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system. It causes seizures that range from mild to severe. Most people with epilepsy live long and normal lives. If the monies were no longer available, we would not be able to provide free resources to those living with epilepsy or be able to inform the general public.

The funds from Delta Bingo & Gaming allow us to purchase information materials such as: pamphlets, videos, resource materials, etc. This provides us the ability to reach out and educate.  A little education goes a long way when myths about Epilepsy are laid to rest.

THANK YOU Delta Bingo & Gaming Val Caron!!

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