How bingo supports the Lincoln County Humane Society

Lincoln County Humane Society
Delta Bingo & Gaming: St. Catharines

On March 4, 2015, a thin, matted, female, brown tabby was dropped off at the Lincoln County Humane Society  shelter after being found wandering alone outside. She was incredibly affectionate considering the stress she had obviously endured. Shortly after, staff named her Grizzabella because she resembled the main character from the musical ‘Cats’. Grizzabella’s condition was worrisome so, bloodwork was conducted and revealed that she had untreated diabetes. After her emancipation date, as no owner had been looking for her, she was welcomed into a staff member’s office because they knew her road to recovery would be long. Grizzabella was shaved, provided a cozy sweater, and began a diabetic management diet. After a few months of care and love at the shelter, Grizzabella was finally ready to find a new home. She was promoted by Niagara Buzz on an adoption segment, and she also visited CP24 to meet Ann Rohmer on Animal House Calls. After one final social media plea for a loving home for this special girl, the most perfect and loving family came along on June 1, 2015, and scooped her up! She is now in great health and is very young at heart – she plays fetch and cuddles all day. All of the staff and volunteers were very attached to their dear Grizzabella (now Abby) and are so happy that she has found an amazing new family who saved her life and gave her the care and love that she had always deserved. Now settled at home, Abby’s owners keep Humane Society staff updated with adorable photos and videos of her playing!


abbeyGrizzabella/Abby’s story is one of many the Lincoln County Humane Society are able to celebrate.  It is only through dollars raised from our Niagara community, with fundraising and donations that LCHS is able to offer this type of life saving treatment to companion animals that would not otherwise have a chance.  We are thankful to the Delta BIngso Sponsors Association of St. Catharines and cGaming and to be a partner in their fundraising efforts.


Niagara Buzz Article:


CP24 Debut:

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